I think you have enough reason to go to a Developmental Pediatrcian and get a full evaluation that includes both speech/langague and OT, and what every else you need to get a full picture of what is going on, including the compulsivie behaviors, poor sleeping, and the inablity to respond to typical dicipline, so that you do not have to guess. What kind of evaluation was done and what kind of Doctor performed it? It took us years to understand all the areas that we needed to have evaluated for our children with issues like this, unfortunatly, you should expect a pretty steep learning curve, and you may not get the whole answer the first time, or the second...it is a moving target, and it can be a frustrating road. More than one time in my journey with my children, I found myself asking "why was I not told this before?" It is a sad, but not uncommon experience. Just suggesting that though you may think you know everything you need to know, you may not know yet what you don't know.
Any glitch in development is going to have the potential to effect behavoir, so knowing for sure if all these things add up to something else is going to be a good thing to know. She may benefit from many other theraputic interventions that will help her with development. Motor planning is an issue best delt with in Occupational Therapy, and will effect her ablity to do global tasks (like cleaning up) and will have a significant impact on many self guided tasks that seem easy enough for a child of her intelectual level, therefore, we interpret the inablity to complete these tasks that require more motor planning skills than the child has, as definance, refusal, laziness, or being stubborn.
I would add these up, and don't try to diagnose her, or disqualify a diagnosis on your own. By far, Developmental Pediatricians are going to be your very best bet.