My Grandson has Speech Apraxia, and was unable to say very many words at all. We were very concerned, but did not get him the help he needed as soon as he was elligible for it because we did not know he was elligible. Plus we kept running into dead ends. He started getting speech therapy at the 4k level, but had we known he could have had the help much sooner. There are programs available and because it is considered a handicap, a lot of it is covered by state and federal programs no matter the income or insurance coverage. He is the brightest little boy, very smart, but because he couldn't talk no one knew except family. Just check around and see what is available, the sooner the better so there is nothing to unlearn. The speech therapists at Helping Hand are miracle workers and he has been able to stay on grade level even with the lack of communication skills and now you can understand just about everything he says (except when he gets excited and talks too fast). Because of the speech apraxia, his language skills were hampered, but nothing else. Now he is talking great, and if you hadn't known him from the beginning, you wouldn't know there was a problem. Long, I know, but my greatest regret is we didn't know he could have been helped sooner. So even if your child's problem is something else, just don't waste any time getting it treated.