what about something personalized with her initials, like a bracelet. My daughter is only 4 months old and for christmas her aunt gave her a sweet little bracelet with her inititals engraved. I loved it and someday she will too!
My goddaughter will be 1 on at the end of the month and I want to get her something special. Between she and her sister (and with the recent holidays) they have a lot of toys. I am not opposed to sending her a toy also but am seeking advice on some ideas of something special to get her, maybe a keepsake? Also, the item has to be something that I can either ship to her myself or order online (preferably) and have sent directly to her, as she lives in another state and I won't get to be with her for her birthday. Thanks!
what about something personalized with her initials, like a bracelet. My daughter is only 4 months old and for christmas her aunt gave her a sweet little bracelet with her inititals engraved. I loved it and someday she will too!
I like the Add-a-pearl necklace. You can add a pearl or two or however many every year and that can be something that will last forever. Plus she'll have a strand of pearls for her wedding day!
How about a savings bond?
A special first birthday plate with her name.
I recieved when I was little a really nice pair of sterling silver baby silverware. I know use it for my son. It was special now, but more special now that my son uses it and I have the memory with it. They have super cute pairs in the mall airplain, winnie the pooh, bunnies, or just lightly decorated.
Personalized jewelry or trinket box, any type of keepsake item is always nice :)
Personalizationmall.com has some cool personalized gifts, like frames, etc. and I am pretty sure they have one for 1st b-day. This is a new find of mine and I have recently ordered several baby gifts from them and been extremely pleased with quality and ship time.
You also may consider a locket with her initial on it or a cross necklace, since you are the godmother.
Being we just celebrated Christmas this is fresh in my mind. Some of the gifts my children recieved as babies were Christmas related--one thing all 5 recieved at birth was a handmade Christmas stocking. One received a nativity set (Fischer Price Little People). For birthdays they recieved Christmas ornaments. Just an idea. I like to limit the clutter, love Christmas and the memories of the wonderful thoughtfulness that went into these gifts.
Someone also gave one of my kids a plate that says "It's Your Day" on it and we all use this one our birthday or on those other special days throughout the year and I each time it is used I think of that wonderful neighbor who is now gone!
Toys break, money is easily spent, memories last forever. Try to think of something that is little and can be used by children but also as your granddaughter becomes and adult and maybe even has her own children that she can show what Grandma gave her!
I think that an ideal gift would be a silver (or gold, if your budget runs to that)charm for a charm bracelet. You can then continue to give her charms for various occasions - beginning to get ones that reflect who she is becoming - and at some special age (10?, 15?) you buy the bracelet and have the charms mounted for her.
For my daughter I bought her a charm bracelet and one charm that had something to do with her 1st bday. I got her the first intital in her name. Each year I buy her another charm that has something to do with her personality. Her second bday I bought her a ladybug b/c I call her 'ladybug'. for her third I got her a bday cake and now that she has turned four, she is starting to have her own personality, I bought her ballet slippers. I plan to have it filled by her 16th or 18th bday and then I will give it to her. She has no idea I have done this for her b/c we always buy her toys too but one day it will mean a lot to her. I did make one mistake though and bought a child's bracelet and realized her 3rd bday that this will not work when she is 16 or 18...so I had to have the 3 charms moved to a larger bracelet so keep that in mind! ;o)
I think gifts from grandma's are the most special later in life, good job!
Does she already have a frame of her first year, with a place for a picture of her for each month of the first year surrounding a bigger picture of her at one year? I've found those on ebay.
I love the Josef Birthday Dolls http://josefdolls.com/ the ones that are small with their age on them. Each year you could give her one and she'd have a large collection by the time she moved out on her own.
go to halmark they have a ton of stuff like that. this could be a fun tradition for you 2!
small pearl earrings for when she gets her ears pierced.
I also love the idea of starting an ornament collection. A really lovely girly one.
If her mom is the type who would keep up with it, maybe a keepsake (journaling, photo album-type) book of each birthday and the highlights of the previous year.
A special 'something' you can begin as a new tradition is buying your precious goddaughter a savings bond. You can buy EE Series bonds for half their face value and have them mailed directly to her. You need a social security number of either the child, parent or yours will work. My sister has been buying them for my kids every Christmas. It's something to look into! Good luck finding what works for you!
There's a place online, www.oodlesanddoodlesofsweets.com that does personalized gift cans in any theme, colors, etc. you'd like. You can have them fill it or you can order and fill it yourself.
I've ordered their candy bars with wrappers before and they do an awesome job!