What a quandary this whole dairy milk vs. non-dairy milk is! There's so much conflicting info available, and the research is not nearly conclusive. One doctor tells you one thing, and another tells you something else. How do we best parent in this world of TOO MUCH INFORMATION, differing opinions, and the scary internet???
If you really think about it, humans are not meant to ingest non-human milk. So the difference between animal milk and non-animal milk? I would just make sure it agrees with your daughter's system and has the nutrients she needs, whether you choose dairy or soy or rice or whatever. Our daughter (10.5 months) has a dairy allergy, so she's drinking soy formula (the only affordable non-dairy option on the market). I choose not to spend hours on the internet doing "research" because it always ends up being an alarming waste of time.
So, just make your decision and know it's the best one for your daughter. For me, all other things equal (like nutrients), this decision comes down to money - milk is cheaper, my son can drink milk, so he does. We save the expensive rice and soy products for my daughter who needs them.