I have a few places you may be interested in http://www.theproudbird.com/proudbird/brunch.aspx - This link is for the The Proud Bird not too far from you and this is a very nice restaurant with brunch. They have a Mother's Day Brunch from 9am-3pm. Then there is this link http://www.shanghairedsrestaurant.com/shanghai_reds/brunc... - This is Shanghai Red Restaurant. They too, have a Mother's Day Brunch from 9am -3pm. My favorite is this link http://www.reefrestaurant.com/the_reef/. Why? It is right next to the beach and its wonderfully beautiful and elegant as all of the other restaurants. Since you mentioned maybe right off the beach I knew this may be the perfect choice. They all serve UNLIMITED CHAMPAGNE! Awesome right!...Check out the links and I am positive you and your family will certainly enjoy either one of these restaurants. Just try and make a reservation as soon as possible considering Mother's Day is right around the corner;and might I add all are $40.00 and under per person, all you can eat, very classy and elegant. Great Deal!
Hope I have been a help!