I don't know what other moms will recommend, but please tell her to go to the doctor. She needs medical advise. Poor lady!
I have a friend who has a 4 month old. She has had sore breasts for the last three-four days (both sides) They are painful to the touch don't hurt too bad while she is nursing but they hurt all the time. She has no lumps, no spots, no fever, but just feels her breasts are hard and not soft like they should be. He is not eating any less although they did start a LITTLE bit of cereal over the weekend. I work as a breastfeeding peer counselor but this isn't fitting the typical signs of mastitis so I was just checking to see if any of you wonderful moms could help. I did suggest she call her dr.
I don't know what other moms will recommend, but please tell her to go to the doctor. She needs medical advise. Poor lady!
Maybe she's pregnant. I'd tell her to call the doc too.
Does she pump at all? If she nurses and then pumps to empty completely does it feel better?
Definitley call the doctor and/or a lactation consultant or La Leche League leader....
It sounds like she may be pregnant. I would take her to her doctor.
It sounds like she might have an over abundance of milk. She should pump and see if it helps. Then start nursing one side at a time. I had a similar problem and this helped me. It also helps to feed baby on a regular schedule instead of on demand. She should still call the dr. just to make sure there is no other problem.
Could be a yeast infection. I've had them twice, and they are extremely painful. And, they are difficult to diagnose, if the baby does not have visible symptoms. Call the pediatrician!