I have a daughter who had the exact attitude towards losing as your son (she is now 27 yrs old); and I believe now she was and is AD/HD but 27 yrs ago not talked about a lot or easily dx'd. Your son is most likely easily bored, learns quickly and once he knows he can accomplish something i.e.,sports, studies, or anything he attempts, he will quit and become very fussy and this comes across as "poor loser". He really is not a poor loser he just needs to be challenged more and often. You need to find out his IQ (something I did not do and was not aware of until a few years ago)-- Anyway, I cannot stress enough the fact that he needs to be personally and mentally changelled or he will not learn to focus easily. I also learned this the hard way and I will not go into details, but on the plus side my 27 year old woman/child is now in college and in the honor society. Should have happened to her before 27 yrs but we were so busy fighting each other with frustration on all sides that we did not stop and take a good look at the person, we were just concentrating on the problem - NOT GOOD! Another sign I ignored, which did not seem important at the time, is the fact that she would concentrate on only one thing at a time to the extent that even when she ate it was one item at a time, you probably recognize this symptom. So keep him busy with other kids, make sure he has a really really close friend that he trusts, find out his IQ, talk to his teachers, and listen to him. He could easily become a loner, as my child has, and not mom wants that for their children as I believe they are not truly happy unless focused and they have friends (male or female). T.S, AR