That's so strange because my son, who is 2 yrs. 5 months is doing the same thing! And it has only been for about the past week. I'm not sure what we're going to do when we turn the clocks back this weekend! EEK! I guess we're lucky because he usually just whines for a few minutes (not really crying) and if we leave him alone, he'll go back to sleep or hang out in his bed until 7. My rule is that no kids get up before 7! Anyway, I wish I had some advice for you. Does he know his numbers? Could you put a clock in his room and tell hem when the first number is 6 or 7 he can get up? They also have something called a "tot clock" (Google it) that turns to yellow when they are allowed to get up (you can set the time). Maybe that would work? When he did this about 6 months ago, I just showed him that it was still dark outside and that he couldn't get up before the sun. My daughter went through similar disruptions in sleep patterns, so I'm sure it's normal, as much as it stinks for us sleepy parents! Good luck! Just wanted you to know that you're not alone.