Sounds like the perfect excuse for a afternoon nap. Seriously put on the favorite kid movie and lay down on the couch. Tell the husband that you will make it worth his while later tonight if he lets you get a nap in...
This morning I accidentally took Lunesta instead of my thyroid medicine. I don't drink coffee. Any suggestions on how I can stay awake? I was looking forward to spending the day with m husband as it had been such a stressful week for us.
Sounds like the perfect excuse for a afternoon nap. Seriously put on the favorite kid movie and lay down on the couch. Tell the husband that you will make it worth his while later tonight if he lets you get a nap in...
Call your pharmacist. There may be something you can do/take, there may also be things NOT to do/take (causing things like heart attack, seizure, etc by mixing sleep meds and stimulants or activity. Depends on the mode of action of your sleep meds).
Call your pharmacy and ask them...they might have an idea but I seriously think you are just going to have to let it wear off...and move the bottles to different areas so it doesn't happen again...lol.
You are not an idiot.
The pet owner I had to talk to because she took her cat's heart medication and gave her cat her allergy medication FOR 2 WHOLE WEEKS - now THERE'S an idiot!
Hope you had a restful day! :)
Awww, Man!!
I have to admit I laughed. LOL
There's also tea, nodoze, 5 hour energy.
Maybe he could use a nap too? So sorry. That sucks.
A brisk walk
Don't eat any heavy meals
Maybe it (I take it Lunesta is a sleep aid) won't work since you'll but up &
about not sleeping.
Sugary fruits?
A Jamba Juice?
haha. You will get through the morning in a delightbul haze hopefully. If you have any B12, take one, might give you a boost.
Don't mix substances.
You can't predict the ramifications of that.
Call a Pharmacist.
Maybe an hour nap is all you need. I like the idea to call your pharmacist. Good luck to you!!!
Since coffee is out...how about Tea or a diet coke?