I would take a long vacation with my family, all of them that wanted to go. Heck, I'd invite everyone I enjoy spending time with. I think a cruise to start off then when that's over we'd go off on our own trip.
Of course we'd hire full time help to go along with us and we'd stay in the bast largest cabin.
After being totally pampered we'd decide where and what we were going to do next. We've thought about how fun it would be to travel and do a world cruise but they don't stay in one place long enough to really see or do anything.
We'd probably give our current house to someone and work with a designer to plan the perfect home. We have newer vehicles but I imagine we could find someone to give them to and buy ourselves new dream ones.
I also think I'd go to fat camp....I don't know of any other way to find new ways to live. My cousin went to a place as a older teen, Schick I think, and they taught her things like ice cream looks like pus when it starts to melt, chocolate looks like poop, etc...to this day, in her late 50's, she's never eaten those things again. She is thin and healthy and gorgeous.
There are many charitable things to do with money, time, and effort too, but those are organizations that need to be researched so that the money you give away is not used to do detrimental things to people or animals.
Being able to have money to go to the doc, get prescriptions filled, never have to go hungry again, never have to get stranded on the side of the road in a vehicle with kids in a snowstorm due to old vehicles breaking down again, and so many more things like that. Security for the rest of your life. What a peaceful thing to have.
How fun it would be to know "I have a million dollars in my petty cash account and I can have anything I could possibly want". Then not having to have anything because you don't have any needs.