I agree that the jealousy is normal and that your 5 year-old will get through this in time. I also agree there is no sense in adding fuel to the fire by purposely giving him the smaller piece or requiring him to go second ALL THE TIME. BUT it's very important that he NOT feel he is getting what he wants all the time. If he thinks he can have what he wants (be first, get the biggest piece) at home, he will feel that way at school or wherever else he goes. You love him madly (as a mother should!) and try to empathize with him and make things easier; his teachers and the parents of other kids will very likely NOT. Being able to share, being able to give up the biggest or best piece, being able to take turns will make him a better student who has more friends than someone who always demands first/best. My advice is to continue to spend time with him, but also continue requiring him to share, etc. Then absolutely shower him with adoration whenever he gives up something to the 2 year-old. Maybe the extra attention he gets for being "such a kind brother" will help him discover that he feels good when he "gives." It will all take time, but you sound like someone who is working hard to raise good little men. I think they'll both be fine.