Never poke a sleeping bear. Let her sleep! She wouldn't sleep that much if she doesn't need it (assuming she's otherwise healthy and happy).
I have a 20 month old that sleeps very well at night. She always has. She will go to bed between 8 to 9 and wake up between 9 to 10 the next morning with no problems! She only takes one nap a day but it seems it takes her longer to get to sleep for her na and then only naps for about an hour or so. I guess I just feel like she's sleeping more than anything. Up at 10 nap at 1 but doesn't get to sleep til 2 then up at 3 then bedtime at 9. Should I just avoid the nap since she sleeps 12-13 hours at time or will o have a monster on my hands without a nap? I need advice and suggestions!
Never poke a sleeping bear. Let her sleep! She wouldn't sleep that much if she doesn't need it (assuming she's otherwise healthy and happy).
A little girl that I babysit, when she was 17 mos., would take 4-5 hour naps and then still sleep all night. I asked her mom what to do and she said that the pedi told them to just let her sleep if she needs sleep. I still watch her and she's almost 5 now. Perfectly healthy, smart little girl who still loves her sleep. :)
Sounds like a good schedule. I wouldn't mess with the nap. Mine talks/reads for about an hour too.See if you can make it until 3 w naps. That nighttime sleep is amazing.
Why not try pushing her nap a little later than 1? If she is up at 10 then she shouldnt be ready for a nap after 3 hrs and especially not if she just got up from 12-13 hrs of sleep. And if she doesnt fall asleep until an hour or so after you put her down for her nap thats a true sign that she isnt ready for a nap yet. I suggest pushing her nap to later and if she still resists then maybe try no nap but if she is sleeping then she probably still needs some type of nap regardless of how long
Good Luck
My daughter is almost 3 and she still sleeps that much, ped told me that when she needs less sleep she'll just sleep less :) kids are great that way.. Don't fret, let him keep his routine, he'll change it when the time comes that he needs to.