THIS is normal. Some babies and kids don't sleep through the night until 1-2 years old...YES!
Some will tell you they had their baby sleeping through the night by 3 months old or 6 months old. And that's fine. It's really up to you and what your perspective is on it....BUT...at this point, WHO is the sleep "method" for? Parent or baby?
For me, if my kids "needed" a feeding, I woke up, and fed on demand. But it doesn't mean that every time they woke up, they "had to" be fed.... you have to know your babies sounds/patterns of sleeps etc. But, our Pediatrician also believes in feeding on demand for about the first year... and if she does suggest a sleep "method" it is mostly because the Parent(s) are too tired of waking.
BUT, you can try and make sure your girl is feeding enough during the daytime and just prior to bed time. Your baby is drinking 6 oz.? Well, that seems normal....but I remember my son at that age, drinking more. -Try this: Fill up an 8-9 oz. bottle... and THEN give it to your daughter... THEN see if she CAN drink the whole bottle. The REASON is, babies go through "growth spurts" and at these times it basically means they are growing, and when they grow they need more intake, and they will NEED more nursings/bottle amounts. And during growth spurt periods, they DO wake up more during the night, and need to be fed.
Your daughter seems perfectly fine...but perhaps she needs more intake.
All the best,