I don't have the magic answer to getting a baby to sleep through the night. The truth is, no one does. You have to do what you feel is best. If that means letting him cry it out, that's fine. (I could never do that.) If that means letting the baby sleep with you, that's fine. (We did a family bed with both of our kids until they were about a year old.) All you can do is create an environment that is conducive to sleep. Cooler temperature. Sometimes white noise or classical music played softly helps. Soft, comfortable jammies. Don't let him get too over-tired because that will cause him to have trouble getting into the deep REM sleep that he needs. But you can't force him to sleep if he doesn't want to, all you can control is your reaction.
So instead of a magic answer to getting a baby to sleep through the night, I just want you to know this:
No matter how bad it may get, he will reach a point where he sleeps through the night and so will you. My youngest was an awful sleeper. Never took more than one nap a day, even as an infant. Always slept really fitfull and was up multiple times during the night. However, he has been consistently sleeping through the night now for months. I am only up with him if he has a bad nightmare or if he is sick.
So hang in there, do what you think works for you and your son, and know that it won't be long before he is asking to borrow the car and you are up multiple times worrying about him and whether he's safe.