We used the Kiddapotamus swaddler with the velcro tabs that he couldn't get out of. I felt this was safer than the blanket eventually getting loose in the night. When he was a couple of months old, he would resist getting wrapped up, but he slept so much better and longer once he was swaddled. We learned that sometimes, as a parent, you have to go with what you know will be best for him in the long term (the night's sleep) rather than what he wants at the moment (not to get swaddled). Under the swaddler, we just had him in a very lightweight sleeper or gown. This really depends on the temperature you keep your house. You don't want them to freeze, but one of the SIDS recommendations is to make sure they don't get overheated. As for sleeping arrangements, we used a bassinet next to our bed for about the first six months, starting when we brought him home from the hospital. I did this because I wanted him close, but knew I would never sleep if he was in the bed with us. I would be too worried about blankets, my pillow, etc. Anyway, then we put his crib at the foot of our bed until he was twelve months old, then finally moved him into his own room. Keeping him in our room was mostly for our convenience (and because I really didn't want to let him go!) because we found that we could get him to go back to sleep during the night by immediately "shushing" him. We never had to get out of bed and he never really had a chance to fully wake up. This was, of course, well after he was regularly sleeping through the night and did not need to eat or anything. The funny thing is, we probably should have moved him into his own room a lot sooner because once we did, he started sleeping an hour longer! We had probably been waking HIM up as we stirred in the wee hours of the morning! Anyway, congratulations as you embark on this wonderful journey!