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I was wondering if any moms could give me some advice on how to get my 2 month old to sleep through the night I am having a hard time with her she seemed as if she was getting it but just a couple of nights ago she started waking up every 2 1/2 to three hours again and I am sleepy all the time.I have tried feeding her more before I put her down at about 9:00 but she doesnt want to eat more than 3 oz.Any advice would be great I need my sleep at night. I feel bad about having to let her cry all night til she gets it(her Dr. suggested) because when she does wake up at night its only for a feeding but the feedings last about half an hour to 1 hour and thats really when I lose sleep.
Any advice would really help. Thanks Claudia
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During the day, make sure she is eating sufficiently, sometimes babies wake up hungry to make up for calories they missed during the day. What helps my baby is a warm bath. Right before bedtime, give her a warm bath, put on her pajamas and feed her a bottle (try warming it??) in a low-lit room. My big tip would be the bath, every night around the same time. The warm water might relax her and help her sleep better. Good luck, and try and nap when she does, to make up for your lack of sleep.
My daughter started sleeping better around 3 months, so hopefully there is an end in sight for you. I found the first two months the hardest, because the feedings are long. But, your doctor is right, it will get easier. I found her feedings got shorter after 2 1/2 to 3 months.
Baths at night did also help. I tried to do the same routine at night, bath, book, and then milk (with music in the background). Sometimes the music was the best way to calm her. I am not sure if this will help her sleep through the night, but it may keep her asleep longer.
I had a lot of sleep issues with my first child and it was really tough. I read so many sleep books but the one with advice/techniques that really worked for my daughter (and later, my son) was Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth, M.D. It helped me get my sanity back and now the whole family sleeps well. A lot of my mom friends swear by it as well. Good luck to you!
I wish I could give you some advice because I was in the same situation when my son was that age. At that time he wouldn't breastfeed directly from me, so I had to pump all the time. My night time routine was to get up when he cried and was hungry, go downstairs, warm up and feed him a pumped bottle, put him back down, then I still had to pump, so that was another 20-30 minutes or so to do that, then finally get back to sleep, only get right back up a couple hours later.
I know that I have NEVER been as tired before as I was after my son was born. My son didn't get the whole sleep thru the night until he was 10 months old, and then that was because I just let him CIO. But at 2 months old, you can't really do that...or I wouldn't suggest it. At that age, they are still REALLY dependent on us, and she is crying for a reason.
Good luck hun and I can't wait to read what other mothers have for advice.
Dear Claudia,
Have you tried giving your baby a warm bath in the evening, around 7:30 pm or 8:00 pm., before you put her down for the night. It soothes the baby and you might be able to sleep for at least 5 hours in one night. Hope it helps.
I don t know many 2mo olds that sleep through. Ihave a 2month old and he wakes every 1 1/2 HR at night. Be patient and sleep when baby sleeps.
mom of 6
It is not normal for a baby that young to sleep through the night. If your first two did, you should consider yourself outrageously lucky, but now you have a normal baby who needs to be fed every few hours, as nature intended. You can sleep at night between feedings. Certainly it is not always easy, I have four, but it is what being a mom is all about. :0)
Did your other kids sleep through the night at 2 months? You could try swaddling her. Experiment to see what she needs - both arms in, 1 arm in, no arms in. See if it helps. You could also try bottle feeding her at night or giving her formula before bed. Breast-fed babies always seem to have more trouble sleeping for longer periods it seems. Your husband could also take a turn if you use a bottle at night. Good luck!