We made the same mistake with our first, so I was determined with our second to not let it happen again. Which meant, nighttime feedings, I got up out of bed and went into the living room and sat in our big comfy chair to nurse her. Once she was done I put her back in her bed and then went back to sleep. That is also when we put our oldest (then 2) in a toddler bed at the foot of our bed. We told him that baby sister was sleeping in her own bed and that he needed to be a big boy and sleep in his own bed. It worked out well for us. Then when our daughter was about 4 months old, both of their beds were moved into their own separate rooms and then everyone was sleeping in their own beds in their own rooms. There will still be times they wake up and want to climb in bed, but you have to stay firm and consistent and no matter how tired you are, put them back in their own beds, however many times it takes. Consisitency will give you the sleep that you need in the long run! Good luck!