As a dentist and a mom of 3, I have to tell you that teething is way overrated! What you're atributing to teething is more likely a growth spurt.
ALSO, some babies just sleep 2 hours at a time. (My second did just that!)
As a yoga teacher working thru a challenging pose, think about what you would say to your students. Just breathe! Don't judge. This will pass. This is the Yoga of Parenthood!
What I always used to say was, once you think you've got it all figured out with little ones, they go and change the pattern. There is no "training" when it comes to sleep schedules! The first year is full of these little shifts in patterns.
PLEASE do not load up on tylenol for your baby's "teething pain". Tylenol is very liver toxic! You'd be surprised about the dangerous side effects of this OTC med!
I'm not a huge fan of loading your child up with benzocaine ( anbesol) either. Stick to natural remedies ( homeopathic) which have a safer track record. But also please consider that this may not be "teething" at all that is shifting your baby's temperment and sleep cycles.