I think you should do some delving into your adrenal glands. My daughter has the chronic pain /sleep issues/fatigue/low blood sugar/(leads to diabetes if not taken care of) Low blood pressure (dizzy, fainting) feeling wobbly, eyes go blurry, pain in eyes/headaches/migranes, clumsyness, inability to handle stress, anxiety, angers easily, acne, PMS, chest pain, chest pressures, low back pain, muscular pains, depression, crying jags, tendonitis. She has adrenal insufficiency. Your adrenal glands put out several hormones that are responsible for how your nervous system and metabolic processes function.
Look up these diseases: Addisons, Cushings, autoimmune polyglandular sndrome.
When someone has adrenal fatigue the body will try to compensate by upregulating the nervous system. So you will have symptoms of chronic fatigue and then also symptoms of restlessness, anxiety and "adrenal rushes". Tired and wired. Thyroid disease can also cause many similar symptoms, but since the adrenals FEED the thyroid, always start there. One sure way to know you have adrenal issues is when the doctor treats your thyroid and it makes you feel worse!
I've read that pre eclampsia can be a magnesium deficiency.
B complex drops under the tounge and taking 400-500 mg magnesium day can help support nerves/adrenals/thyroid. B deficiency is related to sleep disorders like night terrors, which are on a simlar realm.
I dont have any 'sleep issues', and normally fall asleep ona dime, but every once in a while I will get the hyper awake/dream state that you are talking about. My daughter has it on occassion too. And then I do see manefestations of B deficiecnies on and off in me (like scaling skin around my nostrils or ears on occasion) so I do know that these deficeincies can come and go.
Also any other prescription drugs you are taking can seriously affect your nervous system. ALL drugs have side affects. So dont overlook that as a possiblity of contributing as well.