I am in a very similar situation...single Mama with a co-sleeper and we live with my parents. I work full-time and my son goes with his Dad in the morning...so, it was either let my Mom deal with the hand-off or wake him up early.
Really my only savior was a steady and consistent routine at bedtime. I started our bedtime routine at around 7pm and even though some nights we'd lie there until he finally fell asleep at 9pm/10pm, over a few weeks he was in the swing of it and would fall asleep by 830pm and up by 630am-7am. To this day it's stil the same and he takes a 2-3 hour nap at around 1230pm everday.
Our bedtime routine is bath time, teeth/face cleaning, pick out PJ's, read a book or two, sing a song, say goodnight to the moon and stars and climb into bed at 8pm. And, cuddle until he's ready to fall asleep on his own...then, I get up and do what I need to do and try to be in bed for my own sleep by 10pmish, so I'm not a zombie the next day. But, sooo many times I benefit too from the early bedtime.
It's tough once you've got one routine to transition to another, but it's totally do-able with some patience and time.
Good luck! And, don't worry it can be better...I hated the crying and refuse to let my son cry it out for any reason.