Hi D., Now listen to me,,,this is the one bit of advice that I got from friends who had children before me: LET HER CRY IT OUT!!!! I have two daughters who are now ages 5 and
2 1/2. I started this when they were around 6 months old. My pediatritian was all for it. He had a sign that read "Don't feel Bad, let them cry". If you feel that you have fed her, she has a clean diaper and all her other needs have been met when you put her to bed, then when she gets up crying, she is just being a "scuuutch".....She is spoiled by you picking her up. I listened to friends tell me all the problems they had with their kids and bedtime and the loooooong process they had to go through every night. I listened when they told me "they should have let them cry it out". It is hard to do, believe me, the first time I did it and my older one screamed, I cried. But after maybe a little under a week, she got it and betime was a joy...same for my younger one. So because of following that bit of advice, my husband and I can look forward to a peaceful evening together everynight.