I would try to move bedtime UP a little bit. At that age, our daughter was already in bed between 7:00 and 7:30. Sometimes moving bedtime UP helps them actually sleep LONGER. And if you are having to keep him awake to put him in bed still awake, then you are just waiting too long to put him into bed.
Also, I would switch up your bedtime routine. Do not continue to give the bottle last. I would do dinner, bath, bottle, brush teeth (yes you need to swipe their gums with a damp rag or something even if they have no teeth... it will make teeth brushing SOO much easier later on, and it is good for their gums to have the bacteria wiped away too.. but I digress), dinner, bath, bottle, brush teeth, book, bed.
Like another poster mentioned, he may not be getting his full bottle if you do it last and he is falling asleep with it. Also, since it is the last thing he does before sleeping, it IS his sleep cue, and so when he wakes during the night, hungry or not, he needs it to go back to sleep. If you switch the order so that the bottle is earlier in the bedtime routine, he will learn to fall asleep with some other soothing mechanism. Whether it is rubbing the edge of his blanket, sucking a paci or his fingers, hugging a soft cuddly animal or whatever... it will be something that he can do during the night without you. Does he have a "lovey"?
Even adults wake up many times during the night. The difference is that we don't fully wake, we reposition ourselves or whatever, and drift right back into sleep. Babies (at his age) usually can do the same thing, if they have a way to self-soothe. Right now, his soothing is coming from the bottle.
As far as "kicking the habit"... why can't you kick it? Just switch the routine. Of course it will take a little longer and he might fuss a little the first few times... but that is to be expected when you are in effect, taking away his bedtime cue/self soothing mechanism. Make sure he has a "lovey" of some sort to sleep with and replace giving him a bottle last thing, with giving him the "lovey" last thing, while he is still slightly awake, but drowsy, after the story or singing a song or two. And move bedtime UP by 30 minutes.
That's what I did with ours. After the story and prayers, the light was turned out (no nightlight either) and we rocked in the dark for a few minutes while I sang a soothing lullaby or two. Not TOO long... or they'd fall asleep. Before they actually fell asleep, I would get up and put them into the crib while whispering that it was time to go to sleep. Then kisses.. night night.. sweet dreams. And I left.
You know what you need to do, it sounds like you just need to be reassured that it is the right thing. It is. You can do it!