As with other issues, consistency is key on this one. Every time your child comes in your room, immediately return him to his bed and don't say anything or even look at him. Make it very boring. Put a clock in his room (either digital or one with hands) and tell him he cannot come out of his room until the clock says 7 (or whatever time is appropriate). You can buy a digital clock and cover the last 2 numbers with tape, or you can buy a regular clock and color the area from 7AM-9AM with red. Then, on the hour hand, put a star sticker and tell him that he cannot come out of bed until the star is in the red area of the clock. Then, make a reward chart. Every morning when he sleeps through the night in his own bed, he gets a sticker. Then, if he has so many stickers, give him a treat of some kind. Praise him a lot every time he does sleep through the night in his own bed. If he does get out of bed, then immediately return him to his bed. The next morning, show him the chart and explain why he isn't getting a sticker and talk to him about why he is getting out of his room. Maybe leave some books by his bed side so he can read if he gets up too early. Don't put toys in his room or he will play all night. I think books and stuffed animals are ok. Hopefully this will pass soon, but be consistent.