I get a cold sore once in a while and I tried the stuff that is suppose to speed up the healing only to cause me to break out more. I never had that happen to me until I tried the medicine. I will never use that stuff again.
Hey moms,
I have never had a cold sore in my life, but in the past two weeks, I have had several of them. As soon as one goes away(I have been using abreva)another comes up. I have read about this, and I understand that illness or fatigue could couse them. I have not been ill, and I am no more tired than I normally am as a working mother. I was wondering if any other mom had beenthrough something like this and could recommend something. I can not get in with my doctor for another four days and I do not want to even leave the house! ALSO! A co-worker of mine mentioned that she had heard that early pregnancy can trigger a cold sore outbreak, which freaked me out. HAs anone heard of this being a possible symptom or expereinced a breakout in early pregnancy? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
I get a cold sore once in a while and I tried the stuff that is suppose to speed up the healing only to cause me to break out more. I never had that happen to me until I tried the medicine. I will never use that stuff again.
Lysine is the way to go. When my husband and mother fell the tingle of a cold sore they take it and it lasts for only a very short time.
HI S.,
Stress can trigger them. Any significant stessors? Other than the usual of course!!!
I had a huge outbreak of canker sores in my mouth when I was pregnant. The dr. told me that my body was fighting to keep my baby healthy by sending the illness to a different place. He also told me to mix substitute salt with water until it forms a paste and then apply it to the sores with a Qtip. It burns like the dickens but it does dry them up. I do this also with cold sores. If you can handle the burning for a few seconds (as long as you can keep it on there)it does work.
I always get my cold sores in the first trimester, so yes, your friend is right when she said that. Also, eating too much chocolate can do it too. (Horrible, I know!) Stress and fatigue also add to it, as well as being sick. Your body could be fighting off a virus and you just don't know it yet.
Aside from using Abreva, I also take L-Lysine suppliments. (In the vitamin aisle) It's an amino acid that aids in cell growth. I was advised not to take it while pregnant, but when I've had cold sores outside of pregnancy, it helped them disappear in half the time. Hope this helped!
if you can't get in touch with your dr, try calling a local pharmacy and speak to a pharmacist... they can provide you with some useful info also :)
i agree with the mother that wrote and said lysine. i get canker sores all the time and lysine works great and clears the canker sores quickly and since canker sore and cold sores are just about the same. you can get lysine at walmart and it's relatively cheap!!!! and yes stress can cause cold sore and it also might be something in your system. if you keep getting them then ask a dr. about something stronger.
I am having this EXACT same problem. Mine are getting worse, several have come now all over my mouth and chin. It is disgusting. I am going to the DR tomorrow, I have to do something! Good Luck, and I hope it is not a sign of pregnancy :(
Hi S.,
I know these are not fun at all! I have had cold sores since I was young and I get them anytime I am tired or stressed out. Abreva works pretty well, you have to start using it as soon as you feel the tingle of the cold sore coming on and use it a lot. Lysine is also another thing you can use, it is at health food stores. There is also an over the counter prespriction you can get from you doctor. Everytime I was pregnant I battle cold sores, I have three sons. Also remember cold sores are very very contagious, don't kiss anyone or use the same glass. Also throw out any lipsticks or lip balms you have, they will bring the cold sore back if you use it again. I also buy a new toothbush after a cold sore break out. Hope this helps!!!!
I get cold sores at least twice a year. They are not fun. I found a way to clear them up twice the healing process and help the pain. Eat Yogurt and put it on the cold sore for five mins. It will help the pain and healing. The bacteria in the yogurt eats the bacteria that is on the cold sore. I can't remember what it called (pills that are for people who are lactose) Take one pill a day it will help the healing and help from others coming back.