I think all children would eat this way if you let them. One of my kids (5.5 years old) is SUPER picky, but we feed her what everyone else is eating anyway. Sure, this means that some meals she doesn't eat anything, but so far she shows no signs of starving to death. And she is getting less picky as she gets older because she has no choice but to at least try everything on her plate, and to her surprise, sometimes she actually likes the food once she tastes it. I don't make any comments about what she does or doesn't eat, and she knows that if she makes any commentary (such as, "Eeew! Gross!") then she goes straight to her room and gets no dinner.
I am absolutely against making separate meals for children. I think it trains them to only eat a few things, and then they become very tedious at dinner time. I would say, just feed him what everyone else is eating, and let the chips fall where they may.