Call your doctor. This is what you paid him for. Aftercare is included.
I had a c-section with my second baby 6 weeks ago. I went on the Nuvaring and took it out like I was supposed to. I started my period with light spotting on Friday and last night and today have been VERY heavy. I actually soaked through a pad, and its the first time I have done that since I was in the hospital after my first baby was born, 19 months ago. I would not be concerned except that the blood is red and fresh, not dark and old like it would be if it was left overs from the baby. Should I be concerned? Do I need to call my doctor or just wait and see what happens? My husband says that he thinks he remembers this happening last time too, but I can't remember honestly. Has anyone had this experience? Oh, normally my periods are heavy, not this heavy though, and last for 3 days, so it should be over by now. Thanks so much!
The doctor said that it was perfectly normal and not to worry. I has passed now, and the next one should be normal. Thanks everyone!
Call your doctor. This is what you paid him for. Aftercare is included.
The best thing for you to do is to go in tomorrow to see your Dr. you will need to be checked.
I wish you great health.
This is a medical question best left to medical people. You can call the advice nurse first. She may be able to answer this question without you going in. I suggest that it may be normal. Some women have a heavier or longer period after giving birth. Is this your first period post birth? Do call your doctor.
Please call. It won't hurt anything and it could help. It could be a period or it could be some sort of hemorrhage. The bright red blood is definitely a warning sign. If you are soaking a pad in an hour, that is *definitely* a warning sign (you didn't mention how fast you soaked the pad).
Go see your doctor tomorrow.
A friend and I each had C-sections around the same time but she had a problem similar to this.
I forgot what is was but it was a serious issue.
If I remember correctly, maybe some blod clotting or scar tissue.
Not to worry you but go see your doctor asap.
Thinking good thoughts for you!!!!
I agree with the other moms ~ call your OB/GYN. It did happen to me, but
I bled for weeks. When I finally came to my senses and saw my doctor I required a D&C. Some placental tissue had been left inside me which caused the problem.
You should call your dr, but they will probably just tell you to relax ( as if thats even possible with a newborn) I had bleed the same way until about 8 weeks after my c-section, I went to the dr twice & both times I was told it was normal and that I was too active & needed to do less.... But you do need to see your dr just to make sure that there is not more too it.