Hey! Yeah, I have two boys who are 2 and 4, and have lived in 3 different states with them. So I understand the travel thing. Even on a vacation I would weigh cons.
Con's about night time driving:
-it can be unsafe to some
-you will want to go to sleep in the morning and he will be up
from sleeping in the car!
Con's for the day time:
-lot's of stops, can't drive straight thru, which adds a much longer trip than 6 hours!
Personaly I always opted for the night time drive. i was relieved that the baby wasn't fussy and uncomfy b/c he was sleeping. And If you drive in turns you could get some sleep too. Well, Just thought I owuld give you a few tips! Make sure to pack a good baby first aid kit and travel needs for him just in case. Have fun!!!