Sinus Infection - Clovis,CA

Updated on February 17, 2010
J.C. asks from Clovis, CA
11 answers

my son who is 7 years old is taking azithromycin for his infection. he started taking it yesterday. he took a full teaspoon yesterday and half today. he is barely drinking 16-24 oz of fluids and has not ate nothing since thursday. his nose hasnt stopped runing and he dont look like hes getting any better. what do i do

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answers from Modesto on

He should feel better soon........the antibiotic needs a full day and a half to start to take effect.

a really warm wash cloth on his face should help ease the discomfort from the infection........try to keep "things" coming out instead of letting him sniff it back gross as it is, blowing and spitting are the only ways to get the infection out of his sytem.

Be patient......he should feel better soon.

~N. :o)

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answers from San Francisco on

Hello J. C, many people will not feel like eatting when they don't feel well. This is not cause for concern unless it lasts several days. Offer lots of popcicals, and juice bars(I make my own by freezing juice in paper cups with sticks)this will keep the child from dehydration. It may take a while for the medication to step into action and you may have seen changes already since this post. With our 5 children we found that at times we'd go through one whole perscription and then change to another item for the healing process.
Hope that this is resolved quickly. Nana Glenda

1 mom found this helpful


answers from New York on

wait a few days for the antibiotic to kick in. in meantime make sure he has a humidifier in his room. use saline nose spray, if he allows you, out a dab of vicks vapor rub under his nose (very little), but some in his neck and throat. antibiotic takes about 48 hrs to kick in. good luck



answers from Oklahoma City on

It can take close up to 3 or 4 days for it to really start helping. Is he taking anything like mucinex? That is what i always take and give my boys when they have a runny nose or a cough(and usually it will keep me from getting a sinus infection if I start it early enough). It won't make his nose stop running but it will help him get all of it out easier as it thins the mucous. Getting him to drink some water will really help him heal up faster as well. The drainage could be really bothering his tummy, try popsicles or sprite or anything he will drink and maybe by tomorrow morning he will be a almost normal feeling hungry 7 year old. Hope he feels better soon.



answers from San Francisco on

If the antibiotic is working, you should notice some improvement by tomorrow evening.


answers from Dallas on

You might be interested in listening to this call tomorrow by Dr. Brouse:
Chronic Sinus Infections
Monday, Feb. 15th at 5 pm, Pacific Time,
6pm Mountain Time, 7pm Central Time, 8pm Eastern time,
9 pm Atlantic, 4 pm Alaska, 3pm Hawaii
Conference Dial-In #: ###-###-####
Access Code: 403964#
(Room for 1,000 callers)



answers from Charlotte on




answers from San Francisco on

Take him back to the doctor. Our son once had scarlet fever. He had a shot for the scarlet fever. He was not getting better, took him back to the doctor and he had penumonia. If he is not getting better please take him back to his doctor.



answers from Bakersfield on

I just had the worst sinus infection a couple of weeks ago. I suggest that your son continue to take the antibiotic your doctor recommended, but also to do this: Use a warm salt water solution (you can get it in a nasal spray which works WONDERS) and do the nasal rinse every 3-4 hours. It is weird and will burn a little at first, but part of the problem is that his sinuses are inflamed, too, and really irritated. The salt water restores the natural balance to your sinuses and helps reduce the inflammation. Also, if he can, use a neti pot with warm water, or warm salt water.
Last thing, which I love to do- turn on the shower and steam up the bathroom. Then, put some rosemary oil in the bottom of the shower- he can stand in the shower as long as the water doesn't burn him. If it's too hot, let him stand where the water won't get him. You can also put some rosemary oil in a washcloth and just let the oils absorb into your sinuses.
Lastly, a quick steam. Boil some water. Put it in a bowl with some rosemary (oil or herbs, either way), and put a towel over his head over the bowl. 5 or 10 minutes of that will clear out alot of the congestion. Then, really make sure that even if he isn't thirsty, that he drinks alot of water. Flavor it if you have too, but nothing sugary. Bacteria feeds on sugar. You can add lemon or oranges slices, squeezed, into the water, or lime. Citrus is great for immunity. Also make sure he takes a regular multi vitamin for kids.
I hope this helps- it worked wonders for me- and still does.
-E. M
P.S. if there are alot of small sicknesses or colds or sinus issues, burn a candle with clove oil, simmer clove oil or boil/simmer some clove buds on the stove top. Half a pot of water, a small handful of buds, and just keep adding water throughout the day. Clove is a natural air purifier plus it makes your home smell great.



answers from San Francisco on

I'm so sorry your son is suffering. Sinus infectons can be very painful and the drainage can sour the stomach so you don't feel like eating much.

No worries about the food. He will be fine as long as he is drinking fluids. You've gotten some good responses about Gatorade, popsicles, etc. 24 oz. a day is enough to keep him from being dehydrated, but more is definitely better.

The antibiotics can take a few days to kick in so you, and he, will have to be patient with it. One poster mentioned Chronic Sinus Infection, but since he's only been taking the medicine for a day and a half, there is no reason to think this will be chronic. Chronic means that you get repeated infections with very little 'well' time in between, or that you're on your 3rd or 4th round of antibiotics with no relief from the infection. (round meaning finished prescription) So no need to panic. :o)

Also, the idea of using saline nasal spray or a nedi pot is terrific. Nedi pots are an amazing, if a little disgusting, way to clear out your sinuses. You should be able to find on at Rite Aid or CVS. Basically it is a way of getting warm salted water way up your nose into your sinuses. The salty water (saline) will imediately thin the mucus and it will literally pour out of your nose. Yucky, but a great relief of pain and pressure! Your son will feel better right away and the nedi pot can be used multiple times to give temporary relief until the antibotics can really kick that infection.



answers from Washington DC on

I either add it to a drink if they will take it , or put the medicine into a syringe and squeeze it into their mouth , this means holding their arms down but if it is the only way to get it into them then that is what I do , if they have an infection then they need to take the antibiotics.

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