Is anything bothering you?
I mean... I had a time when I just could NOT sleep a full night's sleep. I was waking up exhausted and struggling to get to sleep every night for months! I was literally going crazy and I couldn't figure it out...
This may sound silly, but one night I was sitting there, wide awake but tired and I could feel my shoulders tensing, my heart racing and this feeling of "impending doom"... I felt like I was about to have a panic attack! Then in my brain I suddenly realized that my husbands bedroom fan was making this very quiet, but incredibly irritating squeal. I shut off the fan and laid back in bed and slept SO well... the next day I told my husband that we could have a water fountain, or maybe a different fan or something... but that old fan was in the trash!
Later I had a few nights that were really difficult for me to sleep when we were dealing with some stressful financially issues. I took a stress management class at my college because I was starting to get too stressed out and for me, Stress + No Sleep + Work = Terrible Migraines... which turns into a cycle... In that course we were taught "guided visualizations" with deep breathing to help manage stress and we "practiced" at the end of each class... Every time I would be happily and restfully asleep just a couple minutes in to the "visualization"... I started doing them at home if I had trouble falling asleep, or if I woke up in the middle night. It really helps me sleep a lot, and keeps me from sitting in bed "just thinking...."
Last, during the winter, the lack of sunshine tends to really mess up my mood (in fact I have been diagnosed with "seasonal depression"). Thankfully, I am aware of it and so I make an effort to get outside or near a window even in the worst of weather do get my daily "fresh air"- and if I can't do that I am doubly sure to get in some exercise, which can help release chemicals that can elevate my mood... Better Mood is equal to better sleep. My exercises of choice are brisk walking, yoga, and dance.
Now, I have heard that there is no proof that sedatives of any kind give you the real deep sleep that makes you feel refreshed in the morning. All they do is "knock you out"... but they don't really relax you so that you sleep your best. Alchohol doesn't really cause deep sleep either... but if a glass of wine or a bottle of beer helps you relax in general, go ahead and have one with your dinner... just don't rely on it to make you sleep restfully.
In my opinion, first rule out other factors- your sleep environment, eating habits, exercise, stress management... etc. Chances are whatever is giving you sleep problems is effecting other areas of your life and health as well! Rather than just treat the symptom (tiredness)- find the cause and treat THAT. Look to sedatives last, otherwise you won't really solve the problem... just compound it.
Good luck!