If they are puking or have diarreha - please let me know. Otherwise - if it's just a run of the mill cold I don't worry...
At what age do you stop worrying so much about exposing your kids to sick germs at playdates. I'm a stay-at-home mom to a 13-month old son. He is in several park district classes and attends the local Gymboree so he is certainly exposed to other kids and germs. But, if I was planning to have a playdate with another child and my son has the sniffles, do I need to let the other mom know so that she can cancel if she doesn't want her kids exposed to my son's germs? How much do you other moms worry about this? If your kids have colds, do you still pretty much take them anywhere you otherwise normally would? I worry about the proper protocol for this all of the time, so any input/advice would be great!
If they are puking or have diarreha - please let me know. Otherwise - if it's just a run of the mill cold I don't worry...
My daughter is in several play groups and whenever she has a cold I cancel and tell the other moms she is sick. If she even has just a runny nose I cancel because I don't want to risk getting the other kids sick. The other moms in the group do the same thing when their kids have colds or runny noses.
I always let people know. If I'm 100 % sure it's a cold or could even possibly be contagious, I cancel. If it's the tail end of a cold, I'll let the other parent(s) decide. I think it's basic consideration. I am so tired of hearing about how so & so's child has "allergies", only to find out that that disgusting running nose & cough was the beginning of a cold, which my kid ends up getting. My kid's 5 & all of this still applies.
I'd prefer to know and have the choice. Also, a lot of first time parents will shoo you away.
I always let the other mom know in advance. That way they can make their own decision. I tell them exactly what's wrong with my son, and leave the ball in their court... If my son is obviously "sick sick", then I reschedule the playdate~ I wish other mom's would do the same with their kids.
If your child is contagious, you should not bring them any place where they might infect other children.
But having "the sniffles" and actually being contagious are different things. The sniffles might be allergies or a cold that he's over but has left some residual post nasal drip to contend with.
When in doubt I always call the other mom and let her know that my child has a cough, sniffles, runny nose, etc and then let her decide if she wants to cancel and reschedule the playdate - and that's exactly what my girlfriends do for me too.
As for park district classes and library storytime it usually depends on how my daughter is acting. If she's fever-free and acting fine then we go. We can't keep our kids in a bubble - although I always wished I could with my first born =)
My kids are 3 and 5 and I still let people know if they have a cough, and my friends let me know as well, we then gauge the severity of the illness and decide if we wish to proceed with the play date. Sometimes we do, sometimes not. In fact, our mom run preschool was canceled today because the host mom's 4 year old had a slight cough and sniffles. Fine by me, I'd rather not mess with exposing my kids. They are going to be exposed to it everywhere else, so why speed up the risk? Once your child is older, you will learn a little more what kinds of cough and such are contagious and worrisome, and what kind you can still send them to school with. Little sniffles, usually okay, green runny snot, usually contagious. :)
It depends. I know when my kids are sick or if they just have sniffles. If it's bad, I keep them away. If it's minor like the very beginning stages or they're finishing with a cold, I live life normally. I had family members who were pretty adament that I keep all my kids quarantined if anyone is sick, even if they all are healthy but one. They also were pretty sure that I should keep them home even if they were over their cold and feeling better. They made my life miserable so I asked my doctor about it. My doctor said, if they're sick, keep them home, if they're a little sniffly but not sick whether it's just starting or finishing, they are fine to be around others. She said it's a judgement call and parents know if their kids are sick or not. HTH
I always let the other mom know, I have never had one playdate cancelled by me or another mom for the sniffles. My daughter does have allergies and sometimes they are worse than others. Thought she had something bad on Halloween, because her throat looked so swollen - took her to the doctor and it was just irritated from her allergies and post nasal drip. Trying new treatment and it is working like a charm. Glad I didn't cancel our Halloween plans for that.
I would take them with me to the store if need be etc, but not out for play time or where they interacting with other children, I would'nt want a sick kid playing with my kids. for playdates etc you should cancel, do what you would want others to do for you. you wouldnt want another mom to bring a sick kid near your child would you?
I usually cancel if my kids show any kind of symptoms, even sniffles. I expect the same.
First, ask yourself, would you want your child to play with another child who is sick? My 2.5 year old gets sick all the time, so I would prefer to know if there are sick kids at a playdate so I could keep him away or at least have a choice about it. I may be biased because of what I just stated, but if your child is sick (especially the first several days of an illness when they are most contagious), it's probably best to keep him/her away from other children. If they are at the end of a cold, it's fine. Toddlers get sick a lot, so chances are there is at least one kid coughing or sniffling a bit at any given time.
Fever, puking, diarrhea, etc...is illness that will not allow for other kids to be around them.
A runny nose can be anything from allergies to the start of the flu but if they don't have any of the 3 symptoms listed above then they can't go to school. So, it they don't have any, or all, of those three then they are fine to have play dates with.
I always let the other mom know, then let them make the decision.
I let people know no matter what.