I second the other person who stated you should have your family checked for Celiac disease, as it is hereditary. If any of you are positive for it, it is cured entirely by diet (doing away with wheat, rye, and barley; oats are acceptable IF they are not cross-contaminated). However, you will also want to be tested for any other food allergies and intolerances, because anything that is a problem with food and nutrition will cause you to have a lowered immune system, hence, getting colds and sick all the time, AND it will more than likely cause other food allergies and intolerances as well, because your gut is more susceptible to causing other nutitional problems.
Two years ago, my family started doctoring with an Integration Doctor and a Naturopathic Doctor after I was kicked out of my clinic after doctoring with them for 10 years. Why? Because I was extremely sick, and my doctor couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. So I went the alternative healthcare route; it's a good thing I did, because otherwise, I would never have known what was wrong with me and my family.
Our diagnoses included: severe heavy metal toxicity; severe malabsorption; severe casein (cow milk) allergy; severe soy intolerance; severe gluten intolerance; other food intolerances; several vitamin/mineral deficiencies; three mutations on the P450 Cytochrome CYP2C9, which regulates how your body detoxifys and also how it metabolizes food; and, for me, several severe nutritional deficiencies and moderate to severe adrenal fatigue.
ALL of these problems 1) stem back to the fact that we have a genetic mutation in how our liver detoxes and metabolizes, and 2) all of them stem from problems with food, which weakened our bodies and our immune systems.
Two years ago, we went on a totally organic food diet, getting rid of all prepared and processed foods and drastically cutting out foods made with artificial dyes, colorings, flavorings, etc. We put in a reverse osmosis water system on our kitchen sink (we have well water, so thankfully, no city water with all of the chemicals). I am currently working with the ND to get my adrenal fatigue under control; if you suffer from adrenal fatigue, that will further weaken your immune system and will impact on everything else in your body. In fact, your children CAN be born with adrenal fatigue if the mother has adrenal fatigue.
I believe my 10-year-old daughter has a problem with her adrenals as well. My daughter suffers from Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and anxiety; putting her on an organic diet and giving her supplements that complement what her body is lacking because of her mild gluten intolerance has done wonders to help her and her conditions. Since starting an organic diet with supplements to help build up the crucial areas my body was lacking, I have gone from being on 12 prescription drugs to taking only 2 drugs; it is hopeful that I will get off those 2 drugs sometime this year.
Eating organic and taking specific supplements helped keep us from having ZERO colds or flus this past year.
I went off gluten for about 6 months, then back on a Gluten Challenge because my blood work had me hovering on the edge of Celiac. So I went through the endoscopy biopsies, but they came back negative. I also did the blood test, which came back as being highly unlikely either I (or my daughter) would ever get Celiac (per the two Halotypes they currently test for). However, all three of us are gluten intolerant; that will never go away.
You might find these books to be of interest:
Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing: A Practical A-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, & Food Supplements, by Phyllis A. Balch
Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome, by James L. Wilson, ND, DC, PhD
The Gluten Connection: How Gluten Sensitivity May Be Sabotaging Your Health--And What You Can Do to Take Control Now, by Shari Lieberman, PhD, CNS, FACN
Recognizing Celiac Disease: Signs, Symptoms, Associated Disorders & Complications, by Cleo J. Libonati, RN, BSN
Celiac Disease: A Hidden Epidemic, by Dr. Peter HR Green, MD