Sounds like the same thing my 16mt son had. He actaully had it for 10days. It would be vomit one day then diherrea the next. Finally I gave in and took him to the ER and there was not much they could do if they are not dehertaged. the doc gave hima pill that dissolved in his mouth to help vomiting and it worked for that day then it started up all over agiain. It was so horrible I was so tired of cleaning it up off me and him and the house. It is so hard to see them sick and there is nothing you can do but slowly give them sips of liquids and then slowly work the blaned food in. Bread, toast, potaotes, crackers, rice, apples, applesauce. Very small amounts at a time. Just small snack every 2hrs. And clear liquids, or pedilite.
It is hard but hang in there.