Yep, the illness that we've been dealing with here (my kids and me) is the up and down fever for many days during flu like sypmtoms followed by a cough that hangs on. We went to Dr. My son had pneumonia, I had 'maybe' bronchitis, and Dr. said my daughter had 'just a little viral thing'. With my son, I did herbal medicines, probiotics, and the prescription antibiotic, but my daughter and I did essential oil (Thievies from Young Living) and homeopathic remedies from Boiron. The cough is still hanging on after a week for my daughter and I, but for my son it's been 3 weeks and I just had to get him from school now as he is sick - so now we're doing the Thieves and he's in bed!
So I think we are all dealing with a critter that's a shape changer or, several critters!! But I am almost positive these critters are viral!! Antibiotics are not helping. The essential oils, herbs, and homeopathic remedies have been great aids to my family in addressing viral infections.
Jot down on paper what's going on and what you're giving. A visit to the Dr won't hurt, unless you have little to no insurance. (Just thought I'd throw that out there as our coverage gets less every year and our payout increases!) Anyhoo, you know in your heart what's best for your son!