Show and Tell - Flushing,NY

Updated on September 14, 2013
M.W. asks from Flushing, NY
22 answers

My daughter has show and tell this Tuesday and needs to bring in something starting with the letter A. Since I have such a lack of imagination, the only thing I can think of is an apple. Do any of you moms have any ideas? I know I sound kind of silly asking for things that start with the letter A, but I really can't think of anything. Thanks in advance!

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answers from Salinas on

Have her walk around the house (or her room or the yard) and look for things that start with the letter A. She can walk around naming what she sees until she finds an A word.

It's her homework it doesn't do her any good for YOU find something that starts with the letter A.

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answers from Dallas on

Like the poster previously mentioned, I had my daughter find an "a" item. We talked about the "a" sound. She'd bring things and we'd sound it out together. After bringing me just about everything in her room that started with A, my daughter decided to bring her Ariel doll.

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answers from Columbia on

Animal crackers. Enough for everyone.

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answers from San Diego on

abalone shell
ambulance (toy car of one)

I agree about looking in a dictionary or maybe some alphabet books you may have lying around to see what strikes your daughter's fancy.

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answers from San Francisco on

Isn't this something your daughter should be doing? I mean, of course you can help her, but I would be looking around with her, talking about the letter a, the a sound, asking her what SHE would like to bring.

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answers from Chicago on

When my older kids had these assignments, we loved looking for something that was different. Most kids took in apples for A and motorcycles or M&Ms for M. One took in an old antenna we had in the basement (rabbit ears) and another took in an aquamarine birth stone we had. Look for things in the full name. We shorten so many names now, a lot of kids don't even know the full name.

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answers from Houston on

Aunt - photo of her favorite aunt.

Moms, I think it's okay for the mom to ask us for ideas. Of course the daughter knows A is for apple but she is learning nothing from that. The fact that we are giving more examples will build her vocabulary. Her mom can now give her all of these examples and she will thus learn new words.

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answers from Austin on

No one said alligator?

However, she needs to be the one leading the search for this... discuss the letter, and see what things SHE can come up with.

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answers from Seattle on

Your DAUGHTER needs to bring something in...not you.
So sit down with her and say, "You need to bring something in that starts with "A", what sound does it make? AAAAhhhhhh. What words start with Aaaaahhhh?" See what SHE comes up with. It's HER homework.

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answers from Dallas on

Apron, acorn, arrow

Look in a dictionary

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answers from Grand Junction on

Like someone else suggested, look in the dictionary. With assignments like this for my daughter, more than once, we've googled a topic, printed out the information and let her take the print-out in to talk about with the class. That way, everyone, including me, learns a little something.

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answers from Washington DC on

Aardvark/ant eater (picture or toy)
Aunt (picture of hers)
Alpine (mountains)
Action figure

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answers from Portland on

Do you have a picture dictionary, or one online? This is a great time to introduce it. Have her look through it and see what she can find that you have at home.

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answers from Washington DC on

Autograph...have her write her name and talk about where it came from...

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answers from San Francisco on

Ant Farm

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answers from Grand Rapids on

Apricot (fresh or dried)
Alarm clock

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answers from Albuquerque on

What grade is she and what level of "discussion" will they have over the items? Off the top of my head (could come up with some interesting things to share):
Abraham Lincoln

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answers from Chicago on

Start with favorite toys, their name or kind of toy.

Go to family favorites, items, games etc.

Then go to places that are family favorites. Pictures/souvenirs of these places could be fun.

Good Luck!

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answers from Grand Forks on

Can it be a picture of something that starts with A? You could find a colouring page online of something that starts with A and have her colour it.

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answers from New York on

Attorney (if someone in family is a lawyer)
Automobile (toy car)
Arab (if she knows any Arabian people)
If all else fails... Armpit, or, she can moon the class (A-s)

ETA: I have seen that last one done...the Show and Tell that went down in history, for those kids...but of course I don't seriously recommend that!

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answers from Santa Barbara on

Let her be creative. I think that is really the point of the activities. She can go in her room or outside and surprise you.

It was tempting to help my son, but the teachers pick an activity for the child to do.

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answers from Williamsport on

Make your daughter do it. The teacher didn't assign this to parents. What's the point of the assignment at all if the kids don't do it?

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