I used to work at a private school and it is much the same as any school when it comes to peer pressure and some children being favored over others by kids and adults. You can never get away from human nature, no matter where your child goes to school. However, not knowing all the details regarding your complaint about the school, it appears to me that the complaint may have a lot to do with parents not wanting their children to interact with your daughter.
Private schools run on a shoestring budget and simply don't have the resources to provide the special needs education your son requires because their tuition rates don't even come close to the dollars public schools receive per enrolled student to run their school. My thought is that when the word got out about your complaint, the parents were angry, knowing that it would potentially cost their school a tremendous amount of money to accommodate a special needs child if they are required to do so.
Maybe I'm wrong about the whole scenario, but they seem to tie in together time wise. And frankly, if you're angry with the school, I'm sure other parents are aware of it. Think about it...they're happy with the school, and you're not. They don't want to be around people that are unhappy with their school. They won't want their children to play with your children. It is unfortunate, but it is human nature. Maybe in a few years it will all be forgotten.
If I were you, I would have left the school with both of my children as soon as I became unhappy with their policies. However, your daughter wants to stay. So.........IF you stay at the school, my advice to you is to forgive and forget - truly and completely. I wouldn't complain to anyone about your son's situation, and especially don't let your daughter hear another negative word about it. I would try to get involved and be a positive force in the school. Your daughter will love you for it.
Best wishes to you and your family!
~P. G.
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