Should I Take Zoloft?

Updated on August 12, 2008
C. asks from Philadelphia, PA
42 answers

I have been experiencing some mood instability includimg anger, crankiness, anxiety, tearfullness, violent thoughts towards others including my kids, and poor self esteem. The poor self esteem and irritabiltiy have been something I have dealt with around my monthly period for years but recently after 2 kids i feel like i am on a hamster weheel and not getting anywhere! I have talk witha clinical social worker and id not feel it was helpful, in fact the sessions seem to irritate me more! My MD has written for zolft, low dose. I have been reading about side effects and am concerned with taking this med. Does anyone have any thoughts or advice regarding zoloft for postpardum?

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So What Happened?

Thank you to all for your advice. It is comforting to know that my feelings are not unique. I also find it a bit of a shame that as moms we have to endure such horrible feelings, ones that are often out of our control. Ton follow up with you...many of you suggested seeing a therapist..You are probably right, i should but I found with the last one it was very stressful to even make the appts... More stress is not needed. I have family and friends that i feel i can be very open with if need be... I decided to take the meds and see what happens. My husband intends to keep a close eye on me until I get adjusted....I am still a bit nervouse about taking it but feel it is what i need to do for myself and my family! Thanks again!

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answers from Philadelphia on

If you feel you might have a problem it makes more sence to me to get a diagnosis from a psychiatrist than just taking meds an MD prescribed. That way you work on getting the right meds and right dosage. I have been on meds before and a md doesn't keep track and can't diagnose as a psychiatrist can. The problem is it can take some time and you have to be patient.



answers from Philadelphia on

i took years ago with no problem..i would try it sounds as if you need to try something...cant go around feeling bad all the time..have you tried to take walks? sounds silly but helps me...T.



answers from Philadelphia on

I love my Zoloft. I take a low dose because I am breastfeeding and it has made a huge difference in my life. It makes me a better mom, a better partner and a better friend. I think that at the very least yu should give it a try for a couple of months, it takes that long to really see the difference. HTH.

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answers from Allentown on

Hi C.! I also have two young boys and struggle with alot of the same issues that you have stated. Try fist to think of practical things that could help you like making sure you are getting enough sleep, getting outdoors, getting exercise. I also went for counseling on a regular basis for issues like depression, anger. I did this for about a year and it really helped. I believe that a lot of these issues stem from deeper issues that need to be dealt with. I see medication as a last resort, but this is only my opinion. I am just letting you know what has worked for me. Take care and know that you are not alone in your struggles. leah

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answers from Harrisburg on

I have not been on zoloft....but I have been on should go for it. See if it's the right med for you. Side effects are rare and you will be amazed at how much better you will feel after taking it. may not have to be on it long term....but it is worth it to feel like yourself again.

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answers from Philadelphia on

I understand high anxiety when it comes to kids and the overwhelming feelings you have.
sometimes you wish you could divorce your children! However, I would never try to take a drug such as zoloft due to the harmful side effects. I chose natural methods such as supplements like B-12, Omega 3 and OPC-3. I also take a product called bliss. You can find it on . Make sure you sign up as a prefered customer because you earn 2 pts for every $ you spend and can earn free products.
If the natural way doesn't work then I would use it for last resort. Drugs harm other parts of your body, especially your liver.

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answers from Philadelphia on

Hi C.,

Have you tried going off of all sugar and white flour first for a few weeks? Excercise does WONDERS also, I would try those things first... I think you might find this to be extremely helpful. Also, you may be low in the B vitamins and zinc, which are often found to be low in suffers of depressive symptoms. Also, counseling/therapy might be helpful as well. If all else fails, maybe Zoloft will help you get back on track

Best wishes,


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answers from Philadelphia on

First off, I am so sorry you're feeling this way. Second, just knowing that you are not alone should help to VALIDATE your feelings, should you get anyone who thinks this is all in your head (a lot of people just say to get over it). I do not have biological children; mine are adopted, yet I still suffer from depression and anxiety. I didn't try Zoloft, I tried a few meds until I found Lexapro. I'm on 40 mg a day and according to my husband, it's like night and day.
I am not irritable (at least 98% of most days, haha) with my 3 daughters and I can handle many things that are thrown at me. I'm also going to a therapist, but for my meds, I see a psychatrist to monitor me for the meds. You are doing this for yourself, as well as your family, no one else, so please remember that!
I wish much success and love, as I know you'll get through this. Just remember you are not alone, you are not alone, you are not alone!

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answers from Pittsburgh on

try it!
I take Sarafem for my "moodiness". Don't be ashamed (I was) that you need meds. If you need help take it! It will make a huge differance. I haven't had any bad side effects. When you first start taking it, you'll feel pretty wierd for a few days till your body gets used to it. But it is so worth it. I still have bad days, but they are fewer and less severe. And the best sideeffect for me (really my husband) was an increased sex drive, not a decrease as was predicted!
TRY IT! if it doesn't work for you, stop taking it. You aren't happy now,right? so do something!
Best of luck! I hope you figure it out!



answers from Allentown on

I HIGHLY recommend it. My midwife said it was the safest w/breastfeeding too. It changed my life and many other moms that I've spoken with also. I call it the "2 kid syndrome", I got medicated, gray hair and I swear a little more. I did have to switch to generic paxil because I have no health insurance and zoloft was like $85/month and now I pay $4/month at Walmart and did have some side effects from paxil (weight gain) but didn't notice any w/zoloft. I think the only way to know about how the side effects will effect you is to try it. Good luck to you!!!



answers from Philadelphia on

Take it.
I am on it & it does help. I started on 50mgs & recently went to 100mgs. I get like you around that time of the month as well.
You must be happy & healthy for your kids. Zoloft will help. It does for me. I had PPD & I think I still do, altho my guy will be 2 next month.
Please consider it.
I have no side effects from it either.

Good luck!



answers from Pittsburgh on

Yes! First, obivously, your MD knows your history and whatnot.
I was the same way, cranky and irritable, convinced I was useless/worthless, completely confident that if I so much as left the house something terrible would happen while I was gone (anxiety much?), serious thought was given to ending it all, and horrible horrible self-esteem. None of that was encouraged at home, for the record. It was all just my head and my hormones having a raging war inside me.
I finally honored my husband's request and went to the doctor to see if she could help me at all. She suggested counseling, but honestly I don't have that kind of time. Then she wrote me a prescritption for Zoloft. The low dose of 50mg/day. Within three days, I was calmer, more patient, MUCH more happy and self-assured. In other words, I was me again. Because of some outside situations, my dosage was increased to 100mg/day. But it is so helpful to feel like ME again that it's worth taking one little pill a day.
Good luck!
The only side effect I experienced was a major headache. Completely bearable as long I took Aleve or Tylenol and it was gone in about four days.



answers from Pittsburgh on

Honestly, I tried it a few years back, I was a total zombie. I decided to use the natural stuff u get at GNC,, it's called Mood Assure. Worked wonders.

Good luck and God bless.



answers from York on

Hi C.!

I am on Zoloft and I like it. The chances of you having some of the side effects are very low. Actually, this is the 4th med I have been on and it is the one that I haven't had any side effects with.

The advice that I can give you is this Try it for 4 weeks, and after 4 weeks you notice side effects, go back to the doctors and let them know. My doctor wants a followup with me every time she puts me on the medication (I have seasonal affective disorder, so I am only on meds for 4 months a year). Don't skip it, as crazy as your schedule will be once you go back to work, you need to make sure that you are taking care of yourself if you want to take care of your family. If after 4 weeks you notice the side effects, your doctor is the only one who can tell you what to try instead.

Kudos for recognizing your stress and trying to keep it under control! Good luck, sister!




answers from Pittsburgh on

These responses are interesting. Those that have gone on meds for theses symptoms have seen great success. I understand why you are hesitant to start these type of meds. I was as well, but I can tell you that it has changed my life. From what my pcp says, most people can ween off psych meds after a year with great success. She also said, that once the meds kicked in, I would not believe how bad I actually felt before I went on meds. She was right! I coupled the meds with therapy which, I believe, gave me the tools to handle these emotions once I start weening from the meds. Follow your drs advice and allow them to closely monitor you if you decided to use meds. Be totally honest and raw about your feelings when discussing them with a health professional...they will direct you. This is very common and what they are suggesting could change your life. Best of luck to you.



answers from Scranton on

I tried Zoloft once about 10 years ago, I ended up with splitting headaches and would not take it ever again. I would strongly recommend a more natural alternative. If you would like more information on these patented products feel free to write me here or at




answers from Lancaster on

Zoloft had too many negative side effects for me including libido (as if we don't struggle enough with that as women!) and I felt like a zombie and it effected my outgoing personality. Lexapro is wonderful and the side effects were minimal and only lasted the first few days. I suffered from some of the things you do and I do not anymore! I would reccomend some type of excercise even if it is walking first thing in the morning for a half hour it realllllly makes a difference! Feel free to email if you want.
Good luck



answers from Philadelphia on

I'm sorry your going through such a hard time right now. I too had mood swings and anxiety, etc. after my son was born last August. I actually started taking Lexapro 10mg a day after he was born. I know that made a huge difference in my self essteem and my mood. I know a few other people who have or are still on Lexapro and are tolerating it very well. I had tried Zoloft in my 2nd trimester b/c of similar feelings, however, the headaches I got were more than I was willing to deal with. I stopped taking Lexapro 2 months ago. I am happy to say that the medication along with the amazing power and grace of the Lord really made me able to enjoy motherhood more than I could imagine. Hope this helps...



answers from Philadelphia on

Absolutely take the Zoloft if your having these feelings. The side affects are far better to deal with than the symptoms of post-partum. I also had to go on Zoloft and I was fine. The doctor will start you on a low dose to see how you react to it. It'll take a week or two before you feel the effects of it. If it doesn't seem to work for you, he may increase the dose or try a different one. Just have patience!

Good luck!



answers from Philadelphia on

I can't tell you how the med will work for you but I encourage you do keep doing what you need to in order to feel better and get back to the person you want to be. Call your dr or another dr if you are concerned about this specif med, maybe they can suggest something else.

Be well and happy -- you and your family deserve it. You should be proud of yourself for asking for help, it takes a strong person to do that!



answers from Philadelphia on

Hi C.,

Just to let you know I was on a low dose zoloft for 7 years pre having kids (panic attacks) and I didn't really have any side effects. Not that in to sex though (sorry for TMI) but it didn't mean we didn't or anything. Other than that it worked for me and I hestiated going off it, but I decided it had been long enough. I would consider it again if my panic attacks resurface. I did not think therapy did anything. Go zoloft. Good luck to you. Let me know what happens. P.S. You have to do something...those are not good feelings to have. I had them the first month my daughter was born. It did pass though.



answers from Philadelphia on

Hi, C.! I have taken Zoloft for a number of years, starting with problems like you described around my period. It can be a little rough getting started, or getting off. You may not necessarily think you feel better right away, but you will find yourself being able to hold it together well enough to do things you hadn't been able to do for awhile, and those around you will probably see the positive change in you more than you will. If a doctor really thinks you should try it, especially post-partum, I think I would. That stuff is nothing to mess around with. And don't feel bad, these little guys really take a lot out of you to take care of, especially as close together as yours are! Good luck, you'll be fine!



answers from Pittsburgh on

Personally, I have been on and off anti-anxiety/depression meds for about 10 yrs now and was on low dose zoloft for a while...I didn't like it at all. When I was on it, I almost felt like a zombie, just very blah. For the past year, my pcp has had me on effexor. It does the job with the least amount of side effects(as far as I am concerned, but everyone is different). Check with your pcp or another mental health professional.



answers from Philadelphia on

Hi C.

I used Zoloft for PPD and actually did not feel like it worked at all for me. I didn't have any side effects, but just didn't feel like it did anything for me. The therapist I was seeing at the time was surprised and said it was usually very helpful for the women she recommended it to. You really should find a therapist that you feel is helpful, your relationship with the therapist is key to having that type of therapy help. There is a great place in Villanova called the Postpartum Stress Center, google them they are on the net. It was 3 years ago that I went to see a therapist there and I am very glad I did. I used that in combination with another short term medication and felt like a new person. BTW, I just noticed that your doctor wrote for "low dose" Zoloft, my understanding of the drug was that it took higher doeses of this particular medication to reach what is considered a "therapeutic level." I'm not a doctor but most family doctors are not as able to regulate these types of medications and you should consider finding someone who has better understanding of the meds, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist who can work in conjunction with your FMD to get you on the right track. As for taking the medication, don't feel like it is something to be ashamed of. The fact that you recognized that you are not yourself and need help is something to be proud of. Our kids need happy Mom's and you are doing your best to be that person for them. Don't lose hope, you may just need to try a different door.



answers from Allentown on

Take it. You went to your dr. knowing you need help - he's giving it to you. I have a feeling you will be very glad you did in the long run. Why suffer, why make your kids, family and friends suffer watching your suffer... there is a fix for your issue - take advantage of it.

Once you are on the medication for a month or so, take a look at different situations you are in and think about how you might have reacted/handled them prior to being treated. Use your new coping method to retrain yourself how to act/feel. Be open with yourself and embrace the opportunity.

Also, I saw someone mentioned having your thyroid checked... do it... I had PPT (post partum thyroiditis) after my first daughter and didn't realize it for years. The final straw was when I would literally go to bed at 9:00 and was in such a fog I would drive my the exit for my work or home. Next time you see your Dr., ask his to check your TSH & Free T4 (even if your thyroid is not enlarged!!).

Good luck,



answers from Philadelphia on

I actually just stopped taking zoloft, and I've been taking it since my son was 3 weeks. I actually have PPD, but most of my symptoms are similar to what you are describing. I was on 50mg until January of this year (for about 6 months), and then on 25mg since then. I just stopped taking it this last wekeend, and am doing well so far. I don't know what i would have done without it. I was a mean, irritable basketcase. The zoloft gave me just the push I needed to get out of the house, exercise, and just make it through each day, and get some enjoyment out of life! Different meds work differently for everyone, so if the zoloft doesn't do the trick for you, don't be discouraged.



answers from York on

Dear C.,
My only advice would be to check out ALL of the side effects BEFORE you make your decision. In fact, they may help you decide whether or not you think the risk is worth it. As with any mood-altering medication, side effects vary from person to person. My step-son was on a similar medication briefly. I say briefly, because SEVERAL of the side effects were quite severe for him. Only you can make this decision, and it should be guided at least in part by a physician. Also, be aware ahead of time, that it will probably take some time for you to gain the "full effect", and that if you change your mind at some point & want to go off of it, you'll want to do that under a doctor's care as well, so that you give your body time to adjust. I'll be praying for you as you continue to see information to make this decision.



answers from Pittsburgh on

Are you also very tired by any chance? I know all new mums are, but there's tired and then there's ridiculous - feeling like your in a fog, and can't think properly etc. I think a lot of the symptoms of PPD are related to the sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture after all!! That said, have they checked out your thyroid function (same question to person who went on Zoloft that didn't get any results from it)? The reason I ask, is that I had many of the signs of PPD, and was asking for anti-depressents and finally they tested me for thyroid problems (5 months later!!) and it turned out I had a RIDICULOUSLY under-active thyroid, and basically once I went on the thyroxine (replacement hormone for under-active thyroid) I immediately started to feel a bit better. Once I had time to get used to the meds and took extra B vitamins (took a few months) I was absolutely fine, and all of the 'psychological' symptoms went! I'm totally back to myself now, with no therapy, and no anti-depressents. (Although therapy might have been nice as well...) And, I can deal with sleep deprivation much better. It might be worth asking, just in case - apparently 1 in 20 women get hypothyroidism just after pregnancy... so, not all that rare! Best of luck to you either way - I hope you feel better soon.



answers from Pittsburgh on

Are you taking a multi vitiam. You can also try soy or flax seed oil. I had to have a hysterectomy and did not want to take the estrogen. I have been doing better with the flax seed oil and the soy. The multivitim has b vitimins in it. That helps alot also. I also have been exercising more and that helps too. I take the multivitimin daily and take the soy pill or eat food rich in soy every other day. I take the flax seed on the days i do not take the soy. I buy the vitimins from Thye have lots of special where you can get them for 70 percent off and even have free shipping if you buy a certain amount.
Good luck
B. s



answers from Erie on

I started taking zoloft when my second child was 6 or 8 months. My symptoms were similar to yours, especially the anger, anxiety, and irritability. It really does help take the edge off for me. I haven't noticed significant, if any, side effects. I hope you can find something that helps.



answers from Pittsburgh on

Hi C.,

Psychotropic medications can be very safe as long as you are being closely monitored by a mental health professional, monitoring by a PCP is common, but it is less effective usually. I would say that if you feel you are not improving and/or getting worse that getting additional help would be important. It sounds as if you are tentative to take medication, which is completely understandable. You can consider seeing a different provider apart from the social worker you mentioned in your request. A relationship with a mental health provider is based not only on the clinician's skill, experience, and the patient's willingness to change, but also on the connection between the patient and the provider. If you did not feel comfortable with this person you might want to seek a different mental health provider with whom you might be able to make progress. Keep in mind that even on medication the skills you could learn in therapy could assist you down the line and also that medication takes a while to work so both medication and therapy tends to be the most effective. I wish you the best of luck.



answers from Philadelphia on

TAKE THE ANTIDEPRESSANT! I was diagnosed with postpartum depression about 2 years after my SECOND son was born. Suffered with it beginning after my first son's birth, but didn't do anything about it until then. My first medication was Zoloft. Within 2 weeks, I felt like million bucks. Now, my oldest is 13 1/2 and my youngest is 11 1/2 and I'm still on antidepressants (trazadone now because it helps me sleep at night) and I have come to terms with the fact that I will be on it for the rest of my life probably but that is okay because it makes my life better and the lives of everyone around me much better as well! Don't be afraid of it. If you are nursing the 22 month old, just check to see if it is an okay antidepressant to take while nursing. Most of them are, but always good to check. Otherwise, good luck!



answers from Pittsburgh on

Hey C.,

I think you should definitely give it a try. If it doesn't suit you, there are alternative medications to try. Zoloft did not work for me, but Lexapro did. Every one's body is different. Your doctor will help you find the right med and dose.

Also, a word about "natural" supplements and the sort. (I saw a post recommending these types of things.) Just because something is natural, doesn't mean it is safer than a prescription drug. It doesn't mean it is safe at all (take tobacco for instance). So while I'm sure there are some very good natural remedies, I just wanted to caution you to check with your doctor, or at least do some research, before you try something like that.

Blessings to you and your children! You are giving them a gift by seeking help.




answers from Pittsburgh on

hi, i take zoloft and have for many years, frst i would see what it's like being back at work, getting out of the house might be of some help, if not then i believe u shlould at least give it a try, it has helped me, but it doe take a couple of weeks to realy start feeling the effects from it, not sure if this was helpful, but i hope, have a good day :)



answers from York on

I've been taking Zoloft for about 8 months now. It's a total lifesaver! I was moody, irritable, sad, depressed, low self esteem, and just plain old ANGRY all the time. Now my mood is much more stable and I'm able to deal with all the stuff life throws at me easier. I'm actually HAPPY most of the time! As far as side effects go, I don't really experience any! The first three days on Zoloft, I felt sick to my stomach and I threw up in the morning. After those first three days were over, I felt fine and had no more nausea. My advice is to give it a try for a few weeks. It'll take at least two weeks before you start feeling any different and your loved ones will notice a change before you "feel" a change. Good Luck!



answers from Altoona on

Hello! I honestly don't know anything about Zoloft...but my girlfriend (mother of a 5 yr old son) & I were chatting about the fact that EVERYTHING/ONE has become soooo aggravating & you just feel like you're going/want to go postal (she called it feeling like Joan Crawford ha!) She is very knowledgeable about all things natural & organic, she has been taking HOLY BASIL. It uplifts, calms, balances & elevates spirits (I got it at the local health food store). As per her suggestion I have started taking it, too. Now by the end of the day; our 3 yr old son- does have a tendency to "wear me thin" BUT other than a 24 hour IV drip of this...I think it makes a difference. Just in case you want to try a more natural approach ;) But whatever you choose~ I hope it me- I can relate to how you feel!!! This is why we only have 1 child! he!he! Have a Great Day!!!



answers from Philadelphia on

Have you been diagnosed anything? It sounds like your dealing with a little more than depression. Quite honestly you seem be experiencing more bi-polar symptoms than depression symptoms. During the time of the month, everything does go double fold, for people with depression and people with bi-polar disorder.
If you are truely bi-polar and just take an anti-depresent such as Zoloft, the only thing you will accomplish is a condidtion called " rapid cycling ". I honestly think you should be evaluated by a psychiatrist, rather than a counselor or family doctor. They specialize in this area and will be able to help you better than your family doctor is this area.
I wish you luck and please don't get upset with me saying that you sound bi-polar, but a lot of people don't realize that the violent tendencies are a symptom of mania. Mania can be nasty and violent. Zoloft's side effects seem to be minimal. like I said, good luck.
I am bi-polar, and your symptoms just remind me of myself a little. Also, you might find it helpfull, if you start journaliing. Keep a mood chart on yourself, with the times of the day and how you feel, also, note if there is a reaction to any action going on in the house. It might help you out, or give you a way to express your feelings, and re-group your thoughts.



answers from Cincinnati on

You've already gotten a lot of good advice already, including checking with a mental health professional to see if s/he concurs with your doctor's recommendation. And not every med works for every person. Each person's experience is different.

I was on zoloft for 4 months back in 1997 after having a number of catastrophic events happen over a 6-month period. I was severly depressed and lethargic and just couldn't cope anymore. I went to a Christian counseling center with licensed therapists, and a psychiatrist prescribed zoloft. It was a real lifesaver for me! It takes 4-6 weeks for the meds to completely take effect. Zoloft helps build up the seratonin levels in your brain, which helps you cope with life. Back then it was standard practice to start out with a low dose and build up the amount of meds if lower dosing didn't help. In my case, I came off the meds easily and without side effects.

Please be sure to get a second opinion from a mental health professional to help reassure you about taking any meds for this condition. Yes, it is good to seek out counseling or spiritual support, and I recommend that, but if this is a biochemical issue in your body, talking to a therapist or a spiritual advisor isn't going to solve the problem. I tried to "talk out" my problems for a few months, but I didn't feel better, and then I felt like a failure for not being able to fix my problems. Don't go down that path if you don't have to...try the meds. If they don't work for you, you have the option to switch meds or get off them completely.

Best wishes to you and your family and kudos to you for seeking help. You and your family don't deserve to have you suffer unnecessarily.



answers from Allentown on

i was given paxil. Talk to your doctor is best an also based on other medical conditions. All meds have side effects as well as not taking the meds.



answers from Scranton on

Hi C.,
I am a physician assistant and have prescribed many different medications for mothers with postpartum depression. Zoloft is a good medication, and can work very well for some people. My personal preference (and what seemed to work best for my patients) is Lexapro or Celexa. They are in the same class as Zoloft, but tend to have less side effects (including weight gain and decreased libido). Medication is meant to help bring the neurotransmitters in your brain back into balance to help you feel on a more even keel and feel like your life is less of a roller coaster. It is not meant to make you numb or not feeling. Good Luck and give which ever medication you decide to try at least 4 to 6 weeks to fully work.



answers from Pittsburgh on

I don't have any experience with Zoloft or Paxil, but when I read your post it seemed to me like you should definitely try something. What side effects could be worse than the feelings you're already having?
Also, do you think you could give a psychiatrist another try? Maybe someone different would be more helpful. Ask your doctor for (another) recommendation. Good luck to you.



answers from Pittsburgh on

I am on Zoloft for ppd. After I had my 2nd son ( who is now 2) I was crying for no reason, having terrible thoughts, NO self esteem. I kept trying to keep it to my self and deal with it, which is the wrong thing to do! Usually, it takes the meds. to bring you out of it and it will just get worse without them. Which is what happened to me. I ended up in th ER having a panic attack and crying uncontrollably!! It was the most embarrassing and horrifying thing to be that out of control with two little kids. Take my advice. Try the meds. I am on a higher dose 150mg and I have no side effects. At first I had nausea and sweating, but that went away after a few weeks. Anything was better then being that way. I am still on the meds. But my dr. said when I'm ready we can start to ween off. I guess I'm a little nervous those symptoms will come back, which she said is rare. Usually you can be weaned off after a year. Good Luck and please consider my advice. You don't want to miss out on this precious time with your kids!!

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