First of all, Hello and I hope you are in good spirits today. DO NOT CONTINUE WITH THIS MARRIAGE. Your family will always be there for you and no matter what your past life was, it does not mean you are a bad person. I was in a very abusive relationship for 7 years to the point of not talking to my own family members and being extremely depressed. You are worth so much more in this life and am sure you can try to find a community daycare that is cheaper or maybe a family member than can assist you. Believe me the self esteem and self love you lose is never worth another persons insecurities. The relationship I was in was so bad to the point I went from weighing 150 to 300 plus pounds. I couldn't even order my own food at a restaurant and was not allowed to attend most family parties. I today am married to a beautiful man and have 1 child but I still deal with trauma and insecurities from my past relationship. It has been almost 9 years and wish I could change the past hurt but it made me who I am today, struggles and all. I was always lying to family members and the emotional scars are still being healed to this day. God loves you and know you have a friend here. God bless you and your family and hope you get rid of this toxic waste you currently have in your life.