Hi S.,
I am an attorney, and the main purpose of life insurance, and the question to ask yourself is: what would the death of _______ (so and so, child, husband, etc) cost? For a spouse, the cost is very high, because the loss of income. For a child, the cost is the funeral expense, any associated medical expenses, and time off work (if applicable). Life insurance is to prevent out of pocked expenses and to leave the beneficiaries "status quo" or, as they were before the event. Insurance isn't to be a payday; however, for the loss of a spouse, it is to put the beneficiary in a position they will not financially suffer from the death. Having a life insurance on a child may seem like a strange thing to do as a mother, because that is by far, the last thing you would ever imagine would happen, but it is wise to plan for the unexpected. Only you can decide what a proper amount would be. You may want to explore a family policy, where, different amounts are paid for depending who dies (spouse and child, or only child, or only spouse). If you are a teacher, ask your employer about insurance for the family. If they don't provide it, they could recommend a realiable company. God Bless you and your family!! -- V.