My boys all gave up their naps around this age too. My DD manged to nap until a month and a half before her 3rd B-day. I know how you feel though- it is really hard not getting that time to ourselves that we are used to having. On the bright side, its' preparing you for what it's like to have 2 (in case you were considering it) because you never have that time- LOL. When baby naps, you still have another one that needs you. But it's all good :)
I used to also do what Laurie D. did and take him for a ride so he could take a short nap. Once he fell asleep, I pulled into the McDonald's drive through and got myself a hot fudge Sundae. I'd sit in the parking lot, have my snack, and listen to the radio or read a book or magazine. We didn't do this every day- only when he needed it. Every 2 or 3 days at 1st, then less and less. This only worked with my 1st and 4th though. (with my 4th, my next youngest was in Kindergarden).
I know it's hard, but it's just the next stage you're entering. It'll get easier though :)