How pregnant are you? We just found out 2 weeks ago that I am also VERY pregnant and had no idea! I am still waiting for my first OB appt in 2 weeks and ultrasound though.
With our first we bought onsies that said grandma and grandpa on them and wrapped them and gave them to my husbands parents to open. My family lived out of state, so they were told over the phone.
With our second our first was 6 months old only when we found out. I was so freeking sick, everyone knew before we told them. But we made a card that said something like
"One fish, Two fish, Red fish, New fish."
We have a thing for Dr. Seuss, haha.
With this one we have only told my Mom, but when we do decide to tell his parents we will be buying this cute onsie I found online a few days ago that says "apparently I like to golf". My FIL owns a golf store, and golf is a huge thing in this family. They will be shocked because we were just told this Spring we could not get pregnant on our own, so his parents aren't planning on ever having another grandchild.