Good for you for agreeing to sit on this committee.
I have been on many of these committees over the years.. Now that our daughter has graduated, many times I am still called to be a "community" member."
What usually happens is they will show you some proposals of different curriculum's. Or they are going to just show you what they have decided on and you all will review it to make suggestions etc.
They will explain the way it has been presented in the past. and what has been added or deleted.
Great way to meet staff and other parents.
They will explain how long this subject will be taught,what time of the year, what type of parental involvement will be needed, How will the parents be informed. What the curriculum includes like reading material. work sheets, videos. etc.
At our schools, parents are given the option to pull their children out of classes during this subject if the parents do not want their children to be a part of this. Usually the students are sent to the library.
They are hoping you will represent what parents will have questions, concerns, or additions, you may suggest.
Do not guess what the other parents will want, just say , "I personally believe", "I feel", "I am concerned".. This way no one will think you are speaking for all of the parents.
If you have any questions or concerns, this is a safe place to bring it up.