I would visit a Chiropractor ASAP, likely your pelvis is tilted, hips out of alignment, or baby is pressing on a nerve. It also could become more involved the longer you wait. A DC pelvic adjustment will fix any of those problems. There are Chiropractic advanced training that specializes in pregnancy & newborn care, so ask for this certification when making the appt. Not all Chiropractors are created equal.
I have found chiropractic adjustments usually more beneficial than PT.
At 24 wks, you have plenty of time to get a transverse baby turned, if that is what is causing the problem. Again, I believe a specially trained chiropractor would be the best one to handle this complication, ASAP, getting the baby turned by DC adjustments not only will make you hurt less, it will be safer and save you a surgical delivery.
There are also exercises you can do yourself that will help turn the baby, but you would want to make 100% sure its in the wrong position, before you attempted them, or things could go from bad to worse, instead of bad to better. A midwife or DC should be able to help you with this. Most pob's would rather just schedule a C/S than bother with it, also these natural techniques are not taught in medical school, so the ob may not know of them.