Hello, Congradulations! on your soon to be new aditions to your family, I just wanted to give you both some encouragement, I am a mother of 6 and your both right about each prenency is different from each other, I had strong headaches with my 5th child and found out near the end what was the cause, I was breathing in a lot of stagment air cause of the humidity it was summer time in May through August and I also was suffering from another health condition high blood pressure along with high cholesterol and a non working thyroid which is called hypo thyroidism, I encourage you to have these checked, just in case, a poor thyroid can be just as dangerous as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, I didn't even eat a high fat diet, it's just the way health is for some of us so be good to your selves and have these issues addressed with your Dr's.
take care, drink lots of water too!