When my now 5 1/2 year old daughter was a little more than two, she was running around pretty fast in our house, tripped, and hit her head on a projecting wall corner. I've never seen a bump come up so fast! Her father and I grabbed her, raced downstairs, and got ice on it within a minute. It was a gigantic egg, with a huge verticle line up and down the middle of it where she hit the actual corner of the wall. I thought her skin would split open because the bump was so big and growing so fast, but the ice stopped the swelling and the skin did not split. It took a very long time for the bump to go away. I don't remember the color progression exactly, but the bump was there along with the huge line/crease for a couple of weeks at least. Even now, if the light hits her forehead just right, sometimes you can see a small indentation where the line had been. I'm pretty sure its the kind of thing only a parent can see. She's fine and it all healed with no problems. Good luck!!