Selling Frozen Breastmilk

Updated on February 11, 2010
T.R. asks from Adrian, MI
7 answers

I have 180 5oz bags of frozen breastmilk that I would like to sell. My son cannot have my breastmilk any more due to serious allergies. We spent 1 week in the PICU because his entire intestines were completely messed up and he was puking and pooping mucous and blood. He now has to be on a prescription formula. I am completely bummed that I have all this milk and I can't throw it away.

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So What Happened?

I won't donate it to Haiti, but I will probably look into donating it. Somewhere here in the US though. Why is it illegal?

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answers from Indianapolis on

I also think it is illegal to sell, but contact your local LeLeche group. They usually take donations to give to mothers who are unable to produce or can't nurse for medical reasons. I definately wouldn't throw it away. There are so many people out there who I'm sure would love to use it.

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answers from Dallas on

It is illegal to sell breast milk. You can donate it...your local hospital will probably be able to give you information on that.

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answers from Detroit on

Did you end up finding a place to donate this milk? I work at Allegiance Health in Jackson and could get you in contact with the Lactation consultant there who could most certainly help you! I also believe that the U of M takes donations and have heard of other large milk banks that will only request you have a medical screen before sending in your donation-they'll pay the shipping.
I think you are wonderful to have pumped and stored so much! Ihave always had a low supply and feel a little envious! LOL.
Glad that you thought of donating! I'm sure a new mom would be thankful for your help if there was a choice between breast milk or formula for a sick baby who needs the extra immunity benefits of mothers milk.



answers from Austin on

I am not sure if you can sell it unless it has been stored and frozen according to some standard.

It really sucks, I know, to think of not using that liquid gold. I would wince if I even spilled a bit of it, I can't imagine 180 bags! Holy cow you are a great producer :)

Best of luck! I know you will get better answers out there.



answers from Los Angeles on

Send it to Haiti!!! =)



answers from Nashville on

About the website Sara B posted- Oh my gosh, the things you learn on the internet! Who would have thought there was a demand for that?

As for everyone that said Haiti- if you look it up and read the news they do not advise donating to Haiti. The Haitians didn't ask for it and can't handle it. It would be wasted because they can't distribute it.



answers from Cleveland on

I believe that it might be illegal because your body makes your breastmilk specifically for your baby. Your milk has the exact immunities and antibodies that he needs. Another baby might not need what is in your milk. There might even be something in your milk that another baby could be allergic to. There are places that do buy breastmilk, but they purify and pasturize it before they distribute it. Good luck!

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