My sister works for whole foods. She used to work with the vice president that searches for new products.
They will not speak with anyone who does not already have a good record of selling their products for a length of time. That can show how their business produces and can guarantee they meet the standards and meet the demand of orders.
They look at everything to make sure the businesses they work with are stable.
The will request records of health inspections of the food prep facility for a length of time.
I do not think they purchase recipes. She mentioned that they receive a lot of them, but do not have the time to research them. They are dated and filed as unread, so that in the future, if the same product or type of product shows up inthe stores, they can prove they were not plagerized.
Many of the whole foods in house recipes are developed in house. This way they are original to the company and do not have to pay for them.
My sister started out with company working in the bakery as a manager. She said the bakers worked on new recipes all of the time. But the recipes are the property of WF. If developed there while they are employees.