I have always struggled with migraines and seizures. I had a doctor who limited all processed meats and any pork, except pork chops and roasts, unflavored. The nitrates and nitrites and msg were big triggers for me. He put me on a ten point scale, and I learned oint values for all my triggers, lack of sleep, preservatives, sugar, etc. I now live fairly free of seizures although migraines come and go with every pregnancy (last one cured them again). I am border line hypoglycemic, so that played in as well. My 4 year old doesn't know what is wrong, but sometimes he'll ask me if I need to eat something, as I forget when I'm busy. My husband can also see it in my face. As long as I watch the triggers, I do okay and live a normal, problem free life. Unfortunately, my doctor left the practice. I'd recommend their practice, but I don't know who took over for him. I would encourage you to talk to you kids and let them know that sometimes you have problems. Maybe just tell them you tend to pass out unless you have grand mals that would scare them. They can help and support you. Kids are pretty observant and probably already know at their age that there is something you're not telling them. They may be less scared to know. They may also pick up on some pattern in your life that's triggering the seizures. This is a hard time. I hope you find some good answers you feel comfortable with. There's a lot of options out there. Just had another thought. My body doesn't process iodine and that was another trigger. A spoonful of salt (yuck) often took away the feeling of a seizure coming.