This would be heaven! Rides too and from work would save on gas, and being a single income family....and the prices of gas, also to help those that do not have the vehicles! that would be awesome... Rides for kids to/from school, for those that live out of "their" district such as myself... Childcare thats affordable, and motivational classes so you know your not alone! Credit repair, so you can charge that new table, or bed, or kids clothes you've been window shopping, get a home, nights out without seaching for sitters!!! Sigh..
To me this sounds like a FANTABULOUS!!! IDEA!
as for how it would affect our time with our children, to be honest when single mommy/single daddy are NOT so stressed, the time you spend with your children is really just you and them.. without all the worries. =) Happy Mommy, Happy Baby! Sign me up!