Seeking Recommenation/advice/input on K-8 Schools

Updated on February 12, 2009
H.B. asks from Brookfield, IL
4 answers

Hi Moms,

I am seeking recommendation/advice/input on K-8 schools in the Brookfield, La Grange, Riverside areas. If you have kids in schools there & can advice &/or share what you like & dislike about where your kids go, it will be deeply appreciated. Our son turns 5 in September & we've visited some schools already, but would still prefer recommendations from hands-on experienced moms. Thanks!

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So What Happened?

Thanks so much Moms! These are some great and helpful responses. I'll keep these in mind while finalizing our choice of schools. Thanks again! - Hala

More Answers



answers from Chicago on

Dear Hala, My granddaughter is a first grader at brook park, This is great school such a nice diversity of younger and older teachers the principal is hands on(besides being on the young side) so the kids really relate he plays and everyone I have encountered there has been great, I also have a 4 year old g-daughter who will be attending in the fall of 2010, I think this is the best way to ask hope this info helped
good luck and God Bless




answers from Chicago on

My son is in first grade at LaGrange Highlands Elementary School. It is a great school! Check it out. Kindergarten registration is Thursday, February 19th from 4:00-6:00pm.

Another choice is St John of the Cross Catholic school. It is located in Western Spring around 47th and Wolf Rd. I hear great things about this school.

Good luck and happy searching!



answers from Chicago on

In additional to personal recommendations, check out the Illinois State report cards that are issued for each public school and a website called Great Schools ( You can search by community and see the schools in that area, along with ratings by Great Schools and parent comments if parents have done so for a particular school. Good luck in your search!



answers from Chicago on

St. Paul's Lutheran School in Brookfield is a great school. The classes are small, so your child gets more help. They have a great circulum. My daughter has soared there. Good Luck. Tuition is not bad, plus you get a Christian education and environment.

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