Hello Merla,
Congratulations on your new child, and welcome to motherhood!
How soon are you going to start your daughter at preschool? Start looking 6 months before that --
There are plenty of good preschools in the area and depending upon your needs (do you need extended care, or do you want her to have a social experience and enrichment?) then you need only 6 months to find what you are looking for.
I second the recommendation for Manhattan Beach Nursery School --- and Riviera PlaySchool in South Redondo is also a great preschool program. These are both exemplary developmental programs that help your child develop confidence and self-direction. Both allow the parent to stay with the child. At Riviera, you can also choose to drop-off.
The Daisy Chain is also a great resource for preschools and also other child care options.
In the meantime, I recommend reading "The Aware Baby" by Solter, and "Raising Your Children, Raising Yourself" by Aldort.
Good Luck, and Lots of Love,